Anniversary Promo • Buy $77 • Get $77

Anniversary Promo • Buy $77 • Get $77 Off


Hello, my beautiful friends,

I can't believe it's been seven years since the day I decided to offer Qualerex Beauty products to the public!

From my struggle with problematic skin conditions to healthy glowing skin today, it's been a journey. I appreciate all of you being with me through these years. Your kind words, success stories, and regular sweet wishes warm my heart and put a smile on my face. I would not be where I'm today without YOU; thank you!

Let's have some fun shopping this weekend at All you need to purchase is $77, and you will receive a coupon bundle to get $77 off your future purchases. So, shop away! All orders totaling $77 or more will receive a personalized coupon bundle of $77 after the order ships. The Anniversary Promo will begin now and expires on Sunday, April 23, at 11:50 pm central time. This offer is for one-time purchases. Subscription purchases do not count toward the $77 requirement. Promo applies to orders placed between April 20, 2023, to April 23, 2023, and does not apply to prior purchases.

Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions about products and ordering.

Be healthy and beautiful ❤️


Anniversary Promo • Buy $77 • Get $77
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1 comment

Hello my name is Ariana, I am a medical student in New Jersey. Are you going to be having any sales or bundles for Black Friday? Thank you for all of your help!


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